Dine In to Help Out North Philadelphia Families

Did you know that North Philadelphia is one of the most underprivileged and hungriest neighborhoods in America? Unfortunately the life for many in North Philadelphia is a day to day struggle. In response to this true disheartening fact St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children launched a program last May, Dine In Help Out, to help provide proper nutrition for residents of the community. 

Dine In Help Out is a fundraiser for St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children that encourages friends and families to ‘dine in’ between now and September, and ‘help out’ by donating dollars that would have been spent eating out at a restaurant. The funds will help bring healthy, farm-fresh food into North Philadelphia to aid the hunger epidemic in the neighborhood.

Last year was the first year of the program and the organization raised an impressive $53,000 with the help of many supportive Philadelphians, including Iron Chef Jose Garces. All proceeds from Dine In Help Out support the Foundation’s Farm to Families fresh food programming, which has served more than 750 struggling families in North Philadelphia.    

Join the movement today by planning a Dine In at your home! Make it a special occasion with themed menus and décor. The website is full of creative information to inspire your gathering for a great cause. There is even an introductory video to share with guests to teach them about the mission of Dine In Help Out. Register your Dine In today at www.DineInHelpOut.org.  

Want to help out but you don’t have the time or budget for a Dine In? Well, then consider volunteering through St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children’s Farm to Families initiative. Contact program director Ann Hoskins-Brown at 215-568-1126 for more information about volunteering.


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