Countdown to SheRox Bermuda Tri: 6 weeks!

This morning I had my first of five personal training TRX sessions at the Roxborough YMCA. It was a total body work out at 6am- when most of you were still sleeping. SheRox Bermuda Sprint Triathlon is on November 4th, just about 6 weeks away so it’s time to put my training into high gear. It feels like just yesterday I was preparing for SheRox Philadelphia Sprint Triathlon in August but now all sights on the November race on Bermuda! 

I chose to do TRX sessions because it is a strength training working out work out targeting many mussel groups that paired with cardio workouts are perfect for triathlon training. With the suspension bands there are hundreds of different workouts that use your own body weight to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. I want to be as fit as possible so I’m ready to transition with ease into the three different sports- swimming, biking and running.

I will be tracking my progress during the five TRX sessions so I’ll let you know what kind of results I get from it! What are you favorite total body workouts? 


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